Next steps: Things to do in 2025
Hello 2025! I’m excited to build on my successes of the last 12 months and work towards some pretty ambitious writing goals. Come and see what I have planned for the year ahead and share what goals are on your list! →
My focus for the year ahead
Hello 2025! What do you have in store for us? Though I can’t quite believe we’re at the start of another new year, I’m excited to build on my successes of the last 12 months and see what I can achieve. My goals are ambitious—mainly because I don’t have any big life plans like getting a puppy or travelling the world—but I’m also happy to be flexible if things don’t turn out the way I expect. 😊
Outside of writing, there are a few things I want to do this year. A big one is to maintain the routine I established in 2024 which, while sounding easy, does require a bit of discipline. I also want to run a half-marathon (21.1km), and in under 2 hours! Continuing training with my puppy, Violet, will be another focus, so there will be plenty to do even if I’m not pounding the keyboard. Or, you know, at my day job.
Authoring goals for 2025
It’s going to be another big year on the authoring front, that’s for sure! I have a few platform-related ideas that I want to explore (e.g. making some tweaks to this website), but most of my writing-related efforts will be on my WIP epic fantasy series. Here’s the list what I want to achieve in 2025…
Prepare Blood of Old for publishing. Yes, you read that correctly! Now that the fourth draft of Blood of Old (Graceborn #1) is complete, it’s time to get this baby ready for publishing. That means final edits, formatting, cover design, and all the other things that go on behind the scenes. All going well, I’m looking at a release date sometime in 2026!
Finish the first draft of Graceborn #3. After putting this one on hold halfway through last year—my cheeky little furbaby is to blame for that—I’m keen to get back into writing Graceborn #3. I’m estimating the book to be around 220k words, so I still have a way to go, but I’m hoping to get the first draft finished sometime before the end of the year.
Prepare Graceborn #3 for alpha readers. Providing I manage to finish the first draft of Graceborn #3, I’d also like to get it ready for alpha reading (previously referred to by me as first-round beta reading). This would mainly require a full read-through and preparation of support materials. I’m not sure I’d actually send it off, but it would be great to get it ready to go!
Start the third draft of First the Song. I got alpha feedback on First the Song (Graceborn #2) back in 2023, and it’s almost time to incorporate that feedback by working on the third draft. While I’ve already got a rough outline of the changes I want to make, there’s a little bit more work I need to do before I can start writing. I’d love to get to that before 2025 comes to an end.
Read at least 20 books. Once again, I have set my reading goal for this year as 20 books. It will probably be a bit more of a “challenge” given everything else I’ve got going on, especially since I’m not off to the best start, but I really do want to carve out some time for reading. We’ll see how it goes! If you want to keep up to date with what I’m reading, you can follow me on Goodreads.
Hey Rebecca!! Happy New Year!
Routines are hard to maintain, but you can do it 🙂
I believe in you 🙂 GO REBECCA 😀 I’m so excited for your half marathon! You got this!
All the best with puppy training too 🙂 Much love and support to you and Violet, my friend!
I’m stoked! You got this 🙂 I’m proud of you. I’m sure you’ll be able to prepare Blood of Old for publishing also 🙂 🙂 This is awesome!
I’m sure you’ll also finish Graceborn #3’s draft 🙂 That’s exciting that you plan to get it ready for alpha readers too – that’s a good goal 🙂 You can do it! 🙂
Best wishes for starting the 3rd draft of First the Song! The title is awesome. I love the titles you use – how do you come up with titles?
20 books is a good goal 🙂 You can do it 🙂 I believe in you 🙂 GO REBECCA 😀
Excellent questions. I hope to finish my superhero story this year. I also hope to finish some short stories that I have in mind for my characters. I don’t think I’ll publish them, but I want to finish them. I also want to draw and find out what my goals are (and decide how best to spend my time). I have a ton of interests and want to make my life meaningful, so we’ll see. I hope to read a lot also. Take care, Rebecca! Have a nice week! Have fun.
Andrew McDowell
My main goal is to complete a draft for the last book in my One with Nature trilogy.