The indie publishing journey: What, why and how
Hello and welcome to this brand new series of blog posts where I talk about what I’ve learned so far from my indie publishing journey. I’ll take you through the process from start to finish and share some resources about how to turn your manuscript into a published book. There’ll be something for all budding indie authors, especially my fellow…
Quarterly wrap: January – March 2023
Isn’t the year just racing by? My last three months have been pretty busy establishing some healthier habits, planning a holiday, working on my author newsletter, and turning all my writing attention to my epic fantasy series. Check out the details in my first quarterly wrap of 2023!! →
A new chapter begins: Plans for 2023
Happy New Year everyone!! 2023 marks the beginning of a new chapter as I start the year as a published author for the first time. Come and see what I have planned over the next 12 months and where I’ll be focusing my efforts for this next phase of my writing journey. →
Quarterly wrap: October – December 2022
Well, friends, we’ve made it to the end of the year—and what a year it has been! In the last three months I have published my first novel, read some great books, and started a brand new work/life routine. Check out all the details, and see how I went on my yearly goals, in this fourth and final quarterly wrap…
My top five reads of 2022
The time has come to announce my TOP FIVE favourite books of the year! While I’ve had another slow reading year in 2022, I’ve had fun with the books I did get through, and I’m excited to share the ones I enjoyed the most. Come check it out and tell me your favourite reads of this year!! →
Advent Train Stories: The Sapling
Welcome to Day 10 of the Advent Calendar Story Train hosted by Ari Meghlen, where you can read 24 pieces of flash fiction in the lead-up to Christmas, all following the prompt “the gift”. Mine is titled The Sapling and is the first short story I’ve written in YEARS. I hope you enjoy it!! →
My first book is now out in the world!
The day has finally come! My debut novel, Holding Up the Sky, releases today and I’m officially a published author. Come and see some pretty pictures of the new book and learn more about the journey I’ve taken to get it from that first idea to something we can all hold in our hands!! →
Quarterly wrap: July – September 2022
Wow, is it that time again already? My life has been crazy-busy these last three months as I threw myself into my various writing projects and slowly started venturing back into the Outside World. You can now read all about it in my third quarterly wrap of 2022!! →
BLOGIVERSARY: Lessons from 5 years of blogging
Where the heck has the time gone? Today marks five years since I introduced Rebecca Alasdair to the online world, and so much has happened since then! In honour of my 5th “blogiversary”, I share five of the most important lessons I’ve learned so far, so come and take a look!! →
Cover reveal and progress update
It’s finally here!! After years of dreaming—and hard work—I am so excited to reveal the official cover for my upcoming YA novel Holding Up the Sky. Feast your eyes on this absolute beauty and hear about what else is happening as the publication date approaches! →