How to make a fantasy city map with Illustrator
Drawing maps is a key part of many fantasy writers’ process, but it can be hard to find the right program to get your ideas down on paper. I recently created a city map using Adobe Illustrator, and wish to share how you can too. →
That’s a wrap! January 2019
One month down, eleven to go! January has blown past, but I managed to make some decent writing progress as well as read 8 books. Read on for all the juicy details in my first wrap-up post for 2019! →
Playing God: Incorporating religion into your fantasy world
Religion plays an integral role in shaping history and society, and is therefore an essential consideration when it comes to world-building for a fantasy novel. In this Playing God post, I explore the key types of belief system, some interesting religious themes, and give a sneak peek at the religion in my own WIP! →
Ten tentative targets for 2019
Happy New Year! We’re already almost two weeks into 2019, but I’ve been enjoying some time off before launching myself into what will no doubt be a very busy 12 months. Goal-setting is going to be a challenge this year, but here’s my best shot! →
2018 in review
In a few short days we will bid farewell to 2018! This will be my last blog post for the year, and I'd like to take the opportunity to reflect on my key accomplishments. Come and share what you've achieved in 2018!! >>
Favourite reads of 2018
This year, I read 77 books, exceeding my target of 60, and the time has finally come to announce my favourites! Bookworms, come forth, and let's talk about the books we loved most in 2018! >>
Top Ten Tuesday: Best book titles
Today's Top Ten Tuesday theme is Freebie, where you get to make up your own topic! I've decided to take this opportunity to reveal 10 of my all-time favourite book titles, and I'd love to hear about yours!! >>
Holding Up the Sky: NaNoWriMo + snippets + plans!
Did you participate in NaNoWriMo in 2018? I did, and I finished the 3rd draft of my WIP Holding Up the Sky!! Learn more about how NaNo unfolded for me, read some celebratory snippets, and find out what my plans are next! >>
MONTHLY UPDATE: November 2018
I think I'm still alive after this insanely busy November!! Between my university exams, NaNoWriMo, and preparing for some big things at work, there's been so much to do! Find out what I've been up to, how I went in NaNo, and what books I've read, and share with me your accomplishments!! >>
Playing God: Understanding your WIP’s world cosmology
In today's Playing God post, we go back to basics and take a look at world cosmology: what it is, what types there are, and why it is important to consider when writing in the fantasy genre. Includes a quick peak at the cosmology in my WIP—and I'd love to hear about yours! >>