How to make a fantasy map with GIMP
At the end of September, I put up online a map I had created for my WIP fantasy series Graceborn. I was touched by everyone's enthusiasm and I received a LOAD of questions about how I made it. So here it is—the post I promised on how to make a fantasy map using GIMP!! >>
The Writers Tag: Let’s connect!
I've been tagged in the Writers Tag by Ari Meghlen and M.L. Davis! Thanks guys! Come join in the fun and learn more about me, my writing journey, and my WIPs. >>
MONTHLY UPDATE: October 2018
I am UTTERLY EXHAUSTED after this October! It's been a month of uni assignments from hell, so my writing and reading progress hasn't been great, but here I talk about what I HAVE managed to accomplish. Also: my thoughts on Kingdom of Ash and my favourite quote, so come and fangirl with me!! >>
NaNoWriMo 2018: A different kind of goal
Are you participating in NaNoWriMo in 2018? I am, but I've decided to adjust the rules the suit the fact that, for us Aussie students, November is also EXAM MONTH! Here I reveal my NaNo goal...and I'd love to hear all about yours!! >>
Playing God: Let there be light! // Writing a creation story
Today, we head right back to the beginning and take a look at writing creation stores: what they are, why they're important in high fantasy, and what different types of "creation myth" are out there. Includes a sneak preview at the creation story in my WIP—and I'd love to hear about yours! >>
Ruined it! The novels I studied in high school
This may come as a surprise, but I hated studying books at school. We always managed to butcher them. Today I take a brief look at the six novels we ruined and my fleeting memories of each. What books did YOU study in high school? >>
5 web tabs to keep open while writing
The internet is a writer's greatest resource! It has SO MANY uses, and today I discuss the five key websites I almost always have open in my web browser when I actually sit down to write. What tabs do YOU keep open while writing? >>
MONTHLY UPDATE: September 2018
This September, I mastered the art of procrastination—from my uni assignments, that is. I read a ton of excellent books and made some great progress on my WIPs. Find out all the details, including my new Graceborn map, in this month's update post! >>
Playing God: The essential elements of world-building
When it comes to writing a good high fantasy story, there is little more important than having strong world-building to back it up. But what are the essential elements of world-building? Here I go through a list of what I believe to be important...and I'd love to hear what YOU think!! >>
What makes a book cover a GOOD book cover?
I am an unapologetic cover snob. When it comes to books, one way to catch my eye is to dress them up in pretty clothes. But what, exactly, makes a book cover a GOOD book cover? This is my take on it all! >>