Next steps: Things to do in 2025
Hello 2025! I’m excited to build on my successes of the last 12 months and work towards some pretty ambitious writing goals. Come and see what I have planned for the year ahead and share what goals are on your list! →
Looking forward: What’s on in 2024
Welcome to another new year! I have some exciting things planned in 2024, both personally and on the authoring front. Come check out how I’ll be approaching the year and what my goals are for the next 12 months. And I’d love to hear about yours!! →
A new chapter begins: Plans for 2023
Happy New Year everyone!! 2023 marks the beginning of a new chapter as I start the year as a published author for the first time. Come and see what I have planned over the next 12 months and where I’ll be focusing my efforts for this next phase of my writing journey. →
BLOGIVERSARY: Lessons from 5 years of blogging
Where the heck has the time gone? Today marks five years since I introduced Rebecca Alasdair to the online world, and so much has happened since then! In honour of my 5th “blogiversary”, I share five of the most important lessons I’ve learned so far, so come and take a look!! →
The journey to come: What’s new in 2022
Hello and welcome to 2022! It might feel like groundhog today but I, for one, intend to grab this year by the horns and make some exciting changes. In this post, you’ll find out what to expect from me in 2022, and what my main goals are for the next 12 months!! →
How did I go with my 2021 goals?
To say that 2021 has been a big year doesn’t really do it justice. With the literal and figurative storms I’ve dealt with, it’s a marvel I got anything done! Today I look back at my goals for the last 12 months, and share whether I achieved them. Come and join the reflection!! →
BLOGIVERSARY: 4x excerpts to celebrate 4 years
Four years ago today, I took a massive leap and launched the online presence of Rebecca Alasdair. To celebrate my 4th blogiversary, I am sharing a special excerpt from each of my four WIPs, so come take a peek at what they all have in store!! →
The year ahead: My goals for 2021
The new year might not always bring a fresh start, but it can bring a fresh perspective. My fresh perspective is that, while I have big plans for 2021, I also want to be more flexible and find a better work-life balance. Come and learn how I intend to achieve this and what you can expect from me this year!…
2020 in review
Well people, we’ve done it! We’ve made it to the end of 2020! In this final blog post for the year, I look back on everything that’s happened in the last 12 months and assess which of my goals I achieved. Come check out all the details and join me in my reflection!! →
3rd BLOGIVERSARY: Exciting announcement + international giveaway!
Come and help me celebrate THREE YEARS since I first launched this website and introduced Rebecca Alasdair to the world! To commemorate this occasion, I share my key achievements, make a very exciting announcement, and am hosting an international giveaway!! →