A look at the questions I asked my beta readers
This year, I made my first foray into beta reading, where I learned the importance of providing questions to help guide your readers’ focus. In this post, I share the list of questions I asked my beta readers, and the reasoning behind my question selection, and I’d love to hear your thoughts. *Includes a FREE downloadable worksheet*! →
The writing advice I wilfully ignore
Writing advice can be interpreted in many different ways, and should always be critically assessed before deciding if it’s right for you. In this post, I share four pieces of writing advice I don’t put much stock in, and am eager to discuss what advice YOU wilfully ignore! →
5 tricks to cutting your WIP’s word count
Cutting words out of a story can be a writer’s worst nightmare, but sometimes you just have to do it. Recently, I managed to cut the manuscript of my WIP from 103k words to 84k, and here I share five of the most useful tricks I discovered along the way! →
The Writers Tag: Let’s connect!
I've been tagged in the Writers Tag by Ari Meghlen and M.L. Davis! Thanks guys! Come join in the fun and learn more about me, my writing journey, and my WIPs. >>
NaNoWriMo 2018: A different kind of goal
Are you participating in NaNoWriMo in 2018? I am, but I've decided to adjust the rules the suit the fact that, for us Aussie students, November is also EXAM MONTH! Here I reveal my NaNo goal...and I'd love to hear all about yours!! >>
5 web tabs to keep open while writing
The internet is a writer's greatest resource! It has SO MANY uses, and today I discuss the five key websites I almost always have open in my web browser when I actually sit down to write. What tabs do YOU keep open while writing? >>
How to make a “mock cover” for your WIP
One of my favourite things to do—and one of my favourite ways to procrastinate from actually writing—is to create "mock covers" for my WIPs...and today I share the process I use when crafting them! Do you make covers for your WIPs? >>
How to write compelling “happy” characters
What on earth are "happy" characters? Why can they be so hard to write? How can you make them more dynamic? Are there any good examples out there? Here I present my answers to these questions...but what are yours? >>
How to make character portraits with Rinmaru Games
Unlike some very fortunate writers, I am NOT also a drawer. This has been a cause for frustration when it comes to sketching my characters, but I have FINALLY found a way to bring my brain children to life! In this post, learn how to create anime portraits of your characters with Rinmaru Games. >>
Those Who Chose To Serve: A poem for ANZAC Day
This poem is written in honour of all Australian soldiers, both past and present, who have served on operations overseas. Adapted from my 2016 poem Leave None Behind for ANZAC Day 2018. >>