JOURNEY PART 2: Descent into despair
As a ten-year-old writer, I was on the brink of despair. The story of my early writing woes and how I overcame them. >>
JOURNEY PART 1: In the beginning
It began with a golden pencil. The story of my first “book” and the origins of my inspiration for writing. >>
From unicorns to phoenixes: A writing journey
A person can learn many things by looking back to where they've come from, and I believe that self-reflection plays a vital role in the life of every writer. >>
The letter that changed my life
As a ten-year-old writer, I was on the brink of despair. But then I met a woman who completely changed the way I went about writing and, consequently, the course of my life. >>
For the love of blank notebooks…
Hi there! My name is Rebecca, and one of my many odd quirks is that I have a tendency to hoard notebooks. Now that might not seem so strange given I am a writer—were it not for the fact that most of those notebooks are…blank. >>