Quarterly wrap: January – March 2025
We’re well and truly into the year, and boy what a hectic start it has been! I’ve had plenty going on outside of writing but still managed to progress my epic fantasy series and read a few good books. Find out all the juicy details in my first quarterly wrap of 2025!! →
Next steps: Things to do in 2025
Hello 2025! I’m excited to build on my successes of the last 12 months and work towards some pretty ambitious writing goals. Come and see what I have planned for the year ahead and share what goals are on your list! →
Quarterly wrap: October – December 2024
And that’s a wrap on 2024! Before we say goodbye to the year, I wanted to share what I’ve been up to over the last few months and whether I managed to achieve my writing, reading, and life-in-general goals. Come and find out in my fourth and final quarterly wrap of 2024!! →
My top five reads of 2024
We’re almost done with 2024, which means it’s time to share the best books I read this year! I managed to exceed my reading goal of 20 books and had quite a few 5-star reads in there, which is exciting. But here are the books I enjoyed the most, so come check it out and share your list of top…
Quarterly wrap: July – September 2024
It feels like a lifetime since my last update, but that’s probably because of a big change in my lie! Want to know what it was and whether I’ve managed to keep up with my writing and reading in spite of it? Come and hear all the gossip in my third quarterly wrap of 2024!! →
Quarterly wrap: April – June 2024
Is time dragging at the moment, or is it passing in the blink of an eye? Once again, I’ve had a bit going on—including some exciting things in my personal life—and continued inching closer to my writing and reading goals. Find out what I’ve been up to in my second quarterly wrap of 2024!! →
Quarterly wrap: January – March 2024
Three months of 2024 have already passed us by! I’ve had some exciting things going on at my day job, finally got back into the habit of reading, and of course, made progress on my epic fantasy series. Check out the details of what I’ve been up to in my first quarterly wrap of this year!! →
Looking forward: What’s on in 2024
Welcome to another new year! I have some exciting things planned in 2024, both personally and on the authoring front. Come check out how I’ll be approaching the year and what my goals are for the next 12 months. And I’d love to hear about yours!! →
Quarterly wrap: November – December 2023
Here we are at the end of another jam-packed year! My last two months have been filled with visiting family and friends, wrapping up the beta reading process for my fantasy novel, and reading a pile of books. Come and see all the details in my fourth and final quarterly wrap of 2023!! →
My top five reads of 2023
As 2023 nears its end, it’s time to announce my TOP FIVE favourite books of the year! I’ve experienced quite the reading yo-yo over the last 12 months, but I reached my reading goal for the first time in ages and really enjoyed myself doing so. So come and check out my list of favourites and share your top reads…