How to recharge your writing batteries
There comes a time in every writer’s life when their writing batteries are running low and they need to step back and recharge. But that doesn’t mean there’s no solution. Come and check out my methods for boosting my writing energy, and share your own strategies with us!! →
Quarterly wrap: January – March 2021
Welcome to my first quarterly update post of 2021! Over the last three months, I’ve had some exciting life developments, progressed my writing projects, read a total of 15 books (somehow), and more. Come check out all the details and tell me what you’ve been up to!! →
2020 in review
Well people, we’ve done it! We’ve made it to the end of 2020! In this final blog post for the year, I look back on everything that’s happened in the last 12 months and assess which of my goals I achieved. Come check out all the details and join me in my reflection!! →
That’s a wrap! December 2020
December 2020 has been a month of recovery and reflection, and while my writerly pursuits have taken a back foot, I still read a stack of good books and made the most of the festive season. Come check out all the details and tell me what you’ve been up to!! →
That’s a wrap! November 2020
November 2020 has been out-of-control busy: I’ve read a book, worked two jobs, come out of lockdown, and also won NaNoWriMo. I’m ready for a nice, long rest, but before that happens, come check out what I’ve been up to and let me know how you are!! →
Books that represent my crazy year
As this crazy year stumbles towards its end, I thought it was time to have a little fun by aligning my experiences over the last 10.5 months with books I’ve read in the past. It’s amazing how closely some compare! Please come along and have some fun with this post, and share your own bookish representations!! →
That’s a wrap! October 2020
October 2020 has been a long, hard slog, but things are starting to look up! This month I began a new role at work, announced my brand new writing project, and read 7 amazing books. Come check out the details and share your own updates with me!! →
That’s a wrap! September 2020
September 2020 has been one of those months that is both shockingly short and impossibly long! While life in lockdown continues, I’ve made some great writing progress and read 4 incredible books. Come check out the details and tell me what you’ve been up to!! →
How to migrate your WordPress.com site
I’ve finally bit the bullet and transferred my WordPress.com blog to self-hosted WordPress! While I’m loving it so far, the process was a little daunting, so I thought I’d share the steps required in site migration and the key resources I used. Please come and share your own experiences or ask me any questions you like!! →
That’s a wrap! August 2020
August 2020 has been yet another wild month! Between further lockdowns, my birthday and blogiversary, and a complete overhaul of this site, I don’t know how I managed to get any reading or writing done. Come check out the details and tell me what you’ve been up to!! →