That’s a wrap! March 2019
Can you believe we’re already a quarter of the way through the year?! I had a moderately productive month this March, despite how busy I was. Read on for the details on my writing progress and all the books I read! →
That’s a wrap! February 2019
February has been one of those months for me. In addition to juggling work, uni preparation, and my reading and writing goals, I had to say goodbye to a beloved friend. Read on for all the details…and some pictures of the most beautiful dog in the world. →
That’s a wrap! January 2019
One month down, eleven to go! January has blown past, but I managed to make some decent writing progress as well as read 8 books. Read on for all the juicy details in my first wrap-up post for 2019! →
2018 in review
In a few short days we will bid farewell to 2018! This will be my last blog post for the year, and I'd like to take the opportunity to reflect on my key accomplishments. Come and share what you've achieved in 2018!! >>
MONTHLY UPDATE: November 2018
I think I'm still alive after this insanely busy November!! Between my university exams, NaNoWriMo, and preparing for some big things at work, there's been so much to do! Find out what I've been up to, how I went in NaNo, and what books I've read, and share with me your accomplishments!! >>
The Writers Tag: Let’s connect!
I've been tagged in the Writers Tag by Ari Meghlen and M.L. Davis! Thanks guys! Come join in the fun and learn more about me, my writing journey, and my WIPs. >>
MONTHLY UPDATE: October 2018
I am UTTERLY EXHAUSTED after this October! It's been a month of uni assignments from hell, so my writing and reading progress hasn't been great, but here I talk about what I HAVE managed to accomplish. Also: my thoughts on Kingdom of Ash and my favourite quote, so come and fangirl with me!! >>
NaNoWriMo 2018: A different kind of goal
Are you participating in NaNoWriMo in 2018? I am, but I've decided to adjust the rules the suit the fact that, for us Aussie students, November is also EXAM MONTH! Here I reveal my NaNo goal...and I'd love to hear all about yours!! >>
Ruined it! The novels I studied in high school
This may come as a surprise, but I hated studying books at school. We always managed to butcher them. Today I take a brief look at the six novels we ruined and my fleeting memories of each. What books did YOU study in high school? >>
5 web tabs to keep open while writing
The internet is a writer's greatest resource! It has SO MANY uses, and today I discuss the five key websites I almost always have open in my web browser when I actually sit down to write. What tabs do YOU keep open while writing? >>