June 2018 has been exam month, so a large proportion of the last few weeks has been focused on study...though I did console myself by reading eight books! Find out what I read, what progress I made with my writing, and much more in June's monthly update post! >>
My Grand Tour of Europe: London
And so, like Monty and Percy and Felicity, I embark on my very own "Grand Tour of Europe"! To celebrate this long-awaited trip, I share with you some photos of the places I've visited to date...but these are "tourist" photos with a twist... >>
May 2018 has passed in a blur of university reports, crises at work, and increasingly chilly weather. As a result, motivation levels have been low and fatigue levels high...but I've still managed to read and write and blog and do all sorts of other things. Find out more here! >>
The third Update's a charm! Find out what I've been up to during the 30 days of April, where I'm at with my WIPs, what great books I've read, and which was my favourite quote of this month. >>
Those Who Chose To Serve: A poem for ANZAC Day
This poem is written in honour of all Australian soldiers, both past and present, who have served on operations overseas. Adapted from my 2016 poem Leave None Behind for ANZAC Day 2018. >>
Exploring mental illness in YA literature
Mental illness is one of the most pressing health concerns of the modern age, and YA literature has a role to play in opening up the conversation on this long-tabooed subject. Here I discuss some of the things to remember when writing about mental illness, and what YA books are currently out there. >>
Monthly Update Take #2! Find out what I've been up to these last 4.5 weeks, where I'm at with my WIPs and what great books I've read. Also introducing a special new segment my fellow bookworms might enjoy... >>
10 things to do after you finish writing your novel
You know that kind of lost feeling you get when you finish writing a novel? That weird sensation of not knowing what to do with yourself? Well, here are 10 of my favourite things to do after I put my pen down, and before I move onto my next WIP! >>
I’m now on Instagram!
I've finally got around to making myself an Instagram account, @rebeccaalasdair. Find out more about my profile and share your own with me! >>
MONTHLY UPDATE: January-February 2018
In my neck of the woods, January and February are prime summer holiday time, so I've got a LOT of writing and reading done. Here's your chance to find out more about where my WIPs are at! >>