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UPDATE: Old Blood reaches 100,000 words!


100k words


“Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead.”
—Nelson Mandela


Today, I celebrate, with much exuberance, a milestone in the first draft of my fantasy novel, Old Blood. And it’s a big one. The 100,000 word one.


About an hour ago, I typed out the final word of the 20th chapter and was thrilled to see my total word count has reached 100,385! I did a little grin-clap-thing that I’m thankful nobody saw, took a few snaps of the word count as proof, then prepared to share the good news.


My work is far from over, however. By my current estimate I have 10-12 chapters left to write, which should put the final word count somewhere in the 155,000-160,000 zone. Not unreasonable for the first part of an epic fantasy series—though I already have some serious revisions in mind for the second draft!


Anyway, that’s all from me for now, and I wish the writers among you much inspiration and success.


The blurb of Old Blood (Graceborn #1) and its progress can be seen here.


RA_logo _backdrop-01_miniRebecca Alasdair

I'm an Australian indie author who hoards books, loves dogs and coffee, and has a tendency of staying up all night!

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