Old Blood draft is FINISHED!
I am OVER-THE-MOON-CRAZY-EXCITED to announce that the first draft of my epic fantasy novel Old Blood is DONE! Here are the stats, my future plans, and a special EXCERPT to celebrate! >>
MONTHLY UPDATE: January-February 2018
In my neck of the woods, January and February are prime summer holiday time, so I've got a LOT of writing and reading done. Here's your chance to find out more about where my WIPs are at! >>
2017 in review
Today, we bid farewell to 2017, and I find myself in a contemplative mood as I reflect on all that has happened in the last 365 days. >>
UPDATE: Old Blood reaches 100,000 words!
Today, I celebrate a milestone in the first draft of my fantasy novel, Old Blood. And it's a big one. The 100,000 word one. >>
A day in my summer writing routine
What's a typical day like in my summer holiday writing routine? Well, it's not always as productive as you might think...or as I intend. >>
In the wake of the storm
I am about to embark on a two-week stint without access to technology, so to tide you by I thought I'd share a snippet from the prologue of Old Blood, my fantasy WIP. >>
Fitting writing into the work-life balance
One of the questions I’m often asked is where do I find the time to write? I've given this some thought, and now share how I fit writing into my work-life balance. >>
How to conquer Evil Incarnate (a.k.a. thesis writing)
Thesis writing is the work of the Devil. But there is a method to the madness, and if you consider it in terms of the story writing process, you may just find a way to conquer Evil Incarante. >>
Holding Up the Sky excerpt out now!
"One day when I was five, I thought the sky was falling." Read the first chapter of my YA contemporary novel Holding Up the Sky. >>
JOURNEY PART 3: The hand of the gods
Ironic inspiration for an imaginative idea. The story of writing through high school and a five-year-long fantasy project. >>