BLOGIVERSARY: Lessons from 5 years of blogging
Where the heck has the time gone? Today marks five years since I introduced Rebecca Alasdair to the online world, and so much has happened since then! In honour of my 5th “blogiversary”, I share five of the most important lessons I’ve learned so far, so come and take a look!! →

5 years of Rebecca Alasdair!
In some ways, it doesn’t feel all that long ago that I was choosing my pen name and trying to figure out how the heck a website worked. In other ways, it feels like a whole lifetime has passed. But today marks five whole years since Rebecca Alasdair first set foot in the online world with my very first blog post!
So much has happened since then. I’ve made new friends and learned valuable lessons, finished multiple drafts and gained feedback from then-total strangers. And now I’m only a few months away from publishing my debut novel! I couldn’t have done all that if I didn’t take that leap five years ago—and I couldn’t have done it without the support of everyone I’ve met along the way.

In honour of my fifth “blogiversary”, I thought I’d share five of the most important lessons I’ve learned through my experiences so far. Starting a website / blog and creating a new online presence can be daunting, and it takes time to get the hang of things, but I’ve always found it helps to keep these learnings in mind. I’d love to hear what you think, and what you have learned along the way!!

5 things I’ve learned about blogging

Remember to enjoy what you’re doing
There’s a reason I put this learning as #1. When it comes to blogging, it’s so easy to get caught up in the numbers game and in stressing out if you’re not posting regularly. But if you’re not enjoying what you’re doing, then…what’s the point? Why continue?
So before anything and everything else, remember to have fun in the process. If blogging is not making you happy, ask yourself why. Figure out what you can do to bring that spark of joy back. And if that means taking a break or trying something different, go ahead and do it!!

Don’t try to do everything at once
When you’re just starting out with your website / blog, don’t compare yourself to others who have been at it a while. There’s so much to learn, so you’re best to start small, and build on your skills—whether they be related to content or web development—over time.
I’ve had some really lovely feedback about my website / blog over the last few months…but I’ve been working on it for five years now! It’s been a process of learning, a constant evolution, and as much as you might wish otherwise, you have to give yourself that space to practice!

Take all advice with a grain of salt
This lesson is kind of ironic given that I’m essentially dishing out advice here, but honestly, take all advice you’re given with a grain of salt. Like with writing in general, there is SO MUCH advice out there, and you need to figure out what is going to work best for you.
My hot tip is to be particularly cautious when you come across advice starting with “always” or “never”. There are few things that you should “always” or “never” do when it comes to blogging, so have a think about whether the advice you’re reading is applicable to you!

Engage with other blogs and bloggers
I’ll be the first to admit that I have not been consistent in my engagement with other blogs and bloggers. Ultimately, how much you engage with others depends on your priorities and time availability, but the more you comment on others’ posts, the more engagement you’ll get on your blog.
And it is rewarding! I’ve found beta readers and new bookish acquaintances through blogging, and people who’ve been supporting me as I prepare to publish my first book. Although I’ve turned more attention to social media recently, I’ll never forget where it all started!!

Keep your eye on the prize
Finally, I recommend you keep your eye on the prize—so to speak. Make sure you’re clear on what it is you’re trying to achieve through your website / blog, and focus your efforts on the types of activities that will help you work towards that goal.
That can be easier said than done, and can take a while to figure out. Your goals might also change over time, and that is okay, too! Being flexible is important, and there is nothing wrong with trying different things to see what works and what doesn’t. It’s a journey, after all!!

How long have you been blogging? What lessons have you learned along the way? Is there any advice you’d give to newbie bloggers?

Hi Rebecca!!! 🙂 How are you? Happy 5th anniversary for blogging!
I didn’t know that Rebecca Alasdair was your pen name 🙂 It’s a cool pen name! I’m trying to think of one also.
Your first tip of enjoying it is really important. Reminds me of remembering why I chose to write. I forget about the fun/enjoying aspect at times. But, at the end of the day, I try to keep that in mind 🙂
I’ve tried to do everything at once in life and it is rough. I agree, it’s ideal to start small and build up skills. I admit, I’m not really patient with myself. But, I need to work on that.
So true! Very few things are ones we should always or never do. 🙂 Your advice applies to beta reader feedback also. We have to think about whether the feedback would work for the book that we’re writing.
Engagement is key. It’s how we became friends about four years ago :). 🙂 I’m glad we’ve stayed in touch 🙂 I’m not really a blogger (yes, I have an account, but hardly use it), but I think that would be key (engagement) if I wanted to get my blog to get more views.
“Keep your eye on the prize” Good advice for life as well. I lose track of that. I need to figure out my writing goals and work towards the goal/focus on steps that will lead me to achieve my goal :). I’ll do my best.
Nice post, my friend! Take care.
Rebecca Alasdair
Hey Alex, thanks for checking in! It can be easier said than done to implement these lessons – I certainly haven’t followed them at all times – but I’ve definitely found them to be true!!
P.S. Rebecca is actually my name but I chose a new surname for my pen name 😁
My pleasure! Yeah, it’s not easy to implement lessons in life. But you are doing great! I agree, they are true.
Nice! It’s a rad pen name :). I hope to make a pen name for my last name too. (Alex is my name also) :).
Andrew McDowell
Congratulations, Rebecca! I’ll reach my 7th blogiversary in November. You make some very good points here. I know what you mean about engagement and not doing everything at once.
Rebecca Alasdair
Thanks Andrew! Time flies, doesn’t it?! There’s always something new to learn, but that’s just part of the fun. 😀
Andrew McDowell
You’re welcome. You’re right about time.
I’m also in the 2017 gang, though I started a couple of weeks before you, it seems. And I’m glad we’ve met, all the writing things I’ve learned from your blog helped me a lot.
Rebecca Alasdair
Ah thanks so much Tomas! That’s so nice to hear! The best thing has definitely been making connections with other writers and helping each other with our work. Congrats for your 5th blogiversary too!! 😊
K.M. Allan
Happy blogiversary, Rebecca! I love your posts and can’t wait to read the books I’ve been hearing so much about these last few years. Love your advice in this post too. It’s spot on!
Rebecca Alasdair
Thank you!! It’s been a blast these last few years and I am certainly keen to start getting said books out into the world! 😂
K.M. Allan
Ed R White
Happy blogiversary, Rebecca! Just finished Holding Up The Sky—great read! You’ve certainly come a long way, and I’m looking forward to your upcoming fantasy series too. My blog definitely needs a lot of work, haha. Been busy with my new job and polishing Blade of Dragon. Cheers.
Rebecca Alasdair
Many thanks, and especially for your time in reading “Holding Up the Sky”! It’s certainly difficult to juggle writing and all its related activities with a day job! That’s why I say try not to do everything at once…though I am certainly guilty of doing so too 🤣